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Short story of Mr Titus A...

A 9 post...

Mr Titus A missed out in the opportunity of having sex with the girl or making her his fiancee because of his Mr Nice guy attitude note guys... ( that does not necessary mean she was a bad girl or a wicked or a corrupt  girl that deserve to rot in hell for rejecting the nice guy ).
but rather she was constantly losing attraction for him.

Short story of Mr Titus A...

Guys before i will start, I will like to ask you for a little favour please....
please support my ministry by commenting your ideas or sharing your opinions after reading, I will really appreciate....
And if you have nothing to say please check below you we find three box thick in any whether funny, interesting, cool and I will really appreciate....

now lets get started....

You must have heard about  the story of romeo and juliet, they met each other at some point and they became lovers, who love each other so much and they stayed together for a very long time without fighting nor quarrelling because they love each..... whereas on the other hand Romeo had the trait of Mr Nice guy...
Well my brother wake up that is a movie not real life.
nothing of such can happen in real life...
Now let's leave disney alone and come to real life matters, because in real life no women we ever act like Juliet but we men, we behave like romeo and that is the nice guy attitude which Mr Titus A had

If that been said, let me introduce you to Mr Titus A.

Mr Titus A is a very hardworking young man,  he is financially stable, he is very good looking, he is generous, a philanthropist. and he eventually met a young beautiful damsel and at the first sight, they loved each other.

but other wrong trait of Mr Titus A was that he was very shy, a pretender, hardly speaks up if he is not happy, puts others emotion as a priority before his.
jeez he is very over nice and most especially he is scared of been blackmailed by people and he is scared of people's opinion about him...

 Mr Titus A missed out in the opportunity of having sex with the girl or making her his fiancee because of his Mr Nice guy attitude note guys...  that does not necessary mean she was a bad girl or a wicked or a corrupt  girl that deserve to rot in hell or left him because he is broke or his physical appearance or she is a racist or so on and so effort but rather she was constantly losing attraction for him because he was too nice. ) 
but rather she was constantly losing attraction for him this was because he was too nice.
that bring us to the chapter attraction differs.
In the attraction differs chapter we shall discuss about the difference between how girls get attracted to boys and how boys gets attracted to girls and why the nice guy lose out..

I talked about broke let me address it please guys you have to be hard working so that you can provide for you and her that increases respect....

but for now let's continue with the story of Mr Titus A and why he loosed out.

This is how he loosed out.....

Mr Titus A always calls or text the girl at night and they we either chat or talk on phone for more than two hours getting to know themself more better..
At this point, Mr Titus A has not revealed to the girl that he loves her, he kept hiding his feelings and kept pretending, because he is scared to offend or loose the girl if he say so.
whereas the girl on the other hand expects him to say so.

After a week gone by on the newly formed pals, now Mr Titus A went deep on his love and affection for the girl and he started texting and calling her always and let no room for her to miss him a little bit.
Out of frustration, the girls attitude slightly changed for Mr Titus A.
And Mr Titus A was aware of the new development and he texted and called her and he was like, {babe if i have done anything wrong please forgive me and he pleaded with her} and the girl was like {you did nothing} and he was like {ok no problem babe.}

On a faithful day remember this events we barely take a month.
So on a faithful day Mr Titus texted his babe in the morning as usual {good morning babe }
no response after 5 to 7 mins he texted again and he was like {babe why  are you ignoring me} still no response.
 lets say he was texting from whatsapp and the blue mark has ticked meaning that the person at the other end has seen your message and out of anxiety...
please note one thing guys ( we men are more prone to anxiety than women. so in your relationship learn to control your anxiety. anxiety can make you mess up )

         So out of anxiety, he called about 15 times and no response and his tone immediately changed and he started apologizing on whatsapp,{babe whatever that i have done please forgive me } and he kept texting apologies on whatsapp and kept on calling still yet no response nor returned call.
some text was like this { babe what did i wrong you}
{babe whatever i did wrong please forgive me}....
Then after two hours the girl returned to her phone and saw everything, that decreases the attraction she had for him more.
then she replied him, { I was busy }.
At this junction and out of insecurity, we men would want to get our ego back so he texted { I have been texting you for some time now and all you have to say is that you're busy}
she on the other hand we not want to respect him because he has already devalued himself .
so at this junction she might then ignore him or speak rudely like {what is your problem, why are you disturbing me, i told you that i was busy }

At this junction many of the nice guy we know, gets into pleading mood again and let his ego go because he is scared of losing her. so what was Mr Titus A text from here ?
he was like am sorry babe for sounding that way, am really sorry just wanted to check on you}
and he kept apologising.
and she we be like{ who is your babe don't ever call me that again}...
at this point, she has completely lost attraction for him...
and he we be like { am sorry. ok ma'am i won't ever call you babe again }.

At this point her attraction for him is dead completely and if he keeps obeying her commands and words he we end up in friends zone but if he tries getting his ego back, they we both split up depending on how he goes about it, they can split up but he can revoke everything with Mr Titus B traits. which we be discussed soon just stay tuned... at Achievenine

Note: this events we barely take three weeks highest a speaking out of experience.

So once they split up then who lost ??
of course Mr Titus A lost , because he lost his time, money, energy, and most especially his pride.

So from when she orders he should not call her babe again guess what, she we be looking for any small mistake from him to keep riding and controlling him. but if he gets frustrated and revokes in getting his pride back, then she sometime might be like I don't want your friendship anymore and he might as a good nice guy, panic and apologies [ am really sorry, please what have i done wrong, please tell me, i will try to correct myself, please i want to be your friend etc.]
she sometimes will blame his attitude for been so bad either commanding,arrogant and rude.... am speaking out of experience. and sincerely speaking all the blames is just to get rid of him nothing else....

So at the end of the day Mr Titus A Loosed out after wasting his time, money, energy and loosing his pride because of a woman.

advice for Mr Titus A  ?
there is no advice for Mr Titus A unless he exhibit the  Mr Titus B traits......

please stay tuned till the end of this topic Mr Nice guy so that you will understand completely and how to get along with ladies....

note this is not a copy and paste work but it was  completely written and edited by Achievenine.
the story is written after my last experience and after some friends complain on how they were treated by girls, and how girls acts towards them.
So i went in other to look for a solution for this madness and this is what i got. As an aspiring writer, i decided to turn it into an epistle.
So stay tuned and learn more and i promise you, you won't regret it.... 

and guys before you go, I will like to ask you for a little favour please....please support my ministry by commenting your ideas or sharing your opinions after reading, I will really appreciate....And if you have nothing to say please check below you we find three box thick in any whether funny, interesting, cool and I will really appreciate....

thanks for reading.....

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