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Mr Nice guy Chapter 2 (Attitude Evaluation)

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Mr Nice guy Chapter 2...

Attitude Evaluation

Mr Nice guys has many attitude, but in my epistle i we focus and explain the only essential ones.

1. Mr Nice guys are always polite, humble and respectful to the girl they love, they are always extra kind to the girl expecting that we make her like him more.... It does work but only on 1% of girls, Don't get me wrong, girls needs to be respected but always note that too much of everything is wrong.

99% of Women love cat more compared to dogs yes its true, But cats aren't very respectful, polite or intends to be nice in other to be loved. Cats comes to you at when they wants and always for some aim or benefit. not like dogs but cats are more appreciated by women compared to dogs. this is because women love to be challenged.
Note guys don't give your love easily, they won't appreciate it because this is the nature of man, instead make them work for it.

2. Mr Nice guys don't sets boundaries, this is because they hide their feelings a lot in other to impress the one they love for peace to rain. And due to this, they devalue themselves by losing their egos to her, and they apologise a lot.

3. Mr Nice guys are always scared of losing her, they love her a lot that is truth but the main reason behind this is that, they invest a lot on the girl e.g money, time, energy.
if he says he love you and he hardly spend a dime on you, know he is not a Mr Nice guy.

4. Mr Nice guys are very honest, they often tell the girl about their past and they are always sincere but this makes the girl to lose interest on them because it came easily and women love misery

5. When they meet the lady they love, they don't lead but always want to follow. This is one of the most important characteristic to check out on. for example going to the restaurant, you ask to now if she is comfortable, or you wait for her to make a choice on which restaurant to go, which food to eat, how long to stay in the restaurant. When she start making choices as much as this, she we devalue you.
note guys, The bible said God created a Man first in which case, we men are the head and in other words the heads are the leaders not the followers.
women are always the weaker vessels, and they want a man not a fellow woman who we be so weak and scared.

6. Mr Nice guys always panic, This happens a lot when you have her number but won't let her rest, you text or call her everyday not letting chances for her to miss you a little bit, then my brother she we definitely lose her respect for you.
the most valuable item on earth today is Gold and Diamond, why if you ask ?
Why is because they are hardly owned or seen, copper is so essential to earth but it is always seen and owned so it loses it value.

7. They always end up in girls friends zone, this is because of their over kindness and the fear of losing her, They prefer to be her friend, hiding their feelings, hoping that one day, she we love them back.

8. In as much as many things has been said, 98% to 99% to Mr nice guys has a bright future, They are always sober and hardworking.

9. This is the most essential, Mr Nice guys lacks confidence, courage, and are always shy, they always get conscious considering people's opinions about them.
They are always tensed around her and girls don't like this. This is the major reason why they always end up been rejected.

thanks for reading...

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