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Lets Negotiate Introduction...

A 9 post...

Lets Negotiate { Introduction }

I was in the football field on a Saturday morning with some friends, Haaa look the football game was over and it was time to go home. A buddy of mine started taking some stride down the walk way, and I ran up to him and joined him,  we kept taking some stride towards a junction and at the same time we were trying to stop some Auto, it was my idea we get to the junction first, left for my buddy, he would have booked a cab with his phone.

We walked down a few miles and due to my buddy was so in hurry to go home he made the first stop of Auto, left for me I would have advice we get to the junction first before getting into any Auto because it would be affordable especially to me. So immediately he made the stop, the Auto guy asked us where to, ?
The buddy of mine was going to Delta one, whereas I was going to Gamma one, my buddy wanted to be driven inside Delta one and to be stopped at exactly front of his house, whereas me I had no choice, I said to the Auto guy, if you stop me anywhere at Gamma one, I will be fine.
Where to was cleared but the next question now is how much is the fare ? So we asked the Auto guy, how much is the fare ? He responded one hundred and fifty rupees, my friend got mad and started arguing, at the same time he was asking for seventy rupees, after few seconds, the Auto guy decreased the fare to a hundred rupees, My buddy still refused and meanwhile, when all this arguments was going on, I was already sitting in the Auto vehicle and I was watching with my mouth shut.
I had a thought that the Auto guy would reduce the fare quite further if there was a peacefully talk to him, not like the way my buddy was scolding him. tho I kept my mouth shut all the time and I was watching.
My friend asked me to come down from the Auto vehicle lets get another, he said and I quote,.. { Achievenine lets get out of here, I will stop another Auto, leave that Auto guy he is foolish, Indians are very stupid }.

After hearing him speak, at that moment in my inner thought, I was trying to figure out who was the stupid one, which was him. Anyway let me shut my mouth because its none of my business, So I responded my friend to calm down and talk gently with the Auto guy that he would accept beside where we were going from here is a bit far and this has got nothing to do with Racism.

He immediately scold me, why should I calm down for this stupid Auto guy, immediately another Auto was passing by so he flagged his hand and stopped it, and the Auto guy gave him a price of two hundred rupees, I laughed secretly , and he angrily asked the Auto guy to get lost.

I was still sitting at my first Auto and I peacefully initiated my conversation with the Auto guy, and he didn’t take the ride for seventy rupees which was my buddies initial offer but he took the ride for sixty rupees.
How did I convinced him, my friend was surprised when I told him to get into the Auto Vehicle that I spoke to the driver and he accepted to take the ride for sixty rupees.

How did I do that, ? that is what I we be answering in my next episode…. stay tuned. on the Next chapter....
Chapter one... How to negotiate
Chapter two... Lack of negotiation is unhealthy
Chapter three... Know your Rights...


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