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lets negotiate chapter three : Know your Rights

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lets negotiate chapter three : Know your Rights

What are your rights ?

Back then in the 80’s, am black, and if I was born then I would have been in the Auction market by now, I would have been a trade for the white for slavery.
You see the white really hurt us, they tortured us, they split us from our love ones and it was a Horrific time.
The first whites came like Christianity to my country, next thing the Devils came too. OOH what did they discover in Nigerian soil, it was oil, they stole and stole but was not satisfied. They took away our freedom, they made us work with no rest, they took us unaware, that means kidnapping, lot of distance from mother to their children, they split homes, families and etc well there is no need for this long story, but its good to know your history, isn’t it “?
The white invade many African countries, the French took over the Cameroon, Equatorial guinea, Morocco, somalia  etc, the British took over Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Uganda etc Many of this African country fought back and chased them out of their land especially Nigeria, Looking back this history usually makes me so proud of my ancestors efforts. Some few countries like Cameroon etc was unable to get their rights back until this day, oh that’s bad..

Ok let me leave countries issues, Am only a writer and am certainly am not trying to upset anyone, But my points should be clear. If the property is yours, its better fighting for it , Don’t be a coward and Don’t back down if your rights is Jeopardize.

Now what are this rights ? Right is a freedom of activity which you can do in certain areas where you stay and which is not prohibited,
 Imagine a world where you could not own property or even a weapon to protect yourself and your family. You couldn't vote for the candidate of your choice in elections, couldn't speak freely without being arrested, and couldn't practice the religion you wanted. Imagine you could have your house searched by law enforcement at any time without a search warrant or be subjected to cruel and unusual punishment for committing a crime. In such a world, you would have no individual rights. Some countries was established based on democratic principles, and individual rights coincide with democracy. Democracy can be defined as everyone in society having formal equality of rights and privileges. The founding fathers put these ideals of democracy in the Constitution in the 1700s, and they continue to exist to this day. Your individual rights guarantee individuals rights to certain freedoms without interference from the government or other individuals. But sometimes this our rights could be taken away forcefully, It happened to several countries in the 80s whereby there citizens was sold for slavery.

Sometimes our freedom aren’t jeopardize due to this certain conditions but they are jeopardize due to our kind heart and submissiveness with fears to defend our rights. I talked about Submissiveness In my early chapter and I advised we should be nice, caring and submissive but always expect repayment of submissiveness from the other party, once that is not given to you, ignore and avoid the person and walk away but always maintain your right, don’t shrink your ego too low to that kind of bullies, they don’t deserve it.

In summary….
If you become so submissive and other party isn’t, either they hate you or something, don’t depress yourself my dear, there are billions of people on earth and every single person has a different opinion, just ignore the person and walk away, I kept repeating this line.

If that the Auto guy refused me, do you think I would have got upset, the answer is No. I would have walk away hoping to get a better Negotiation with the next one we would have stopped. You don’t have to go depress because you were rejected whether due to relationship matters, visas, etc Just hope for the best next time and move on.

Whenever you ignore and walk away if the person kept coming at you, report to the appropriate Authorities who handles this kind of issues, I mean the police.

The end.


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