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All you need to know about Septic Tank


How SEPTIFIX FIXES All Your Septic Tank Issues Saving You A Small Fortune Every Year!

I know this may sound farfetched to you, and even impossible, but it's what thousands of septic tanks owners throughout US are experiencing after using SEPTIFIX every month!

Buy Septic Tank here

When our SEPTIFIX tablets get in your septic tank, they dissolve slowly releasing sodium carbonate and oxygen - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet.

The oxygen in form of small bubbles disperses throughout your septic tank, while sodium carbonate acts as a buffer on the water, bringing it to a neutral pH.

The released oxygen reacts immediately with the waste substances that are inside your septic tank and reduces, then slowly eliminates the smell - in just 3 to 5 days.

In the meantime, the live bacteria from our SEPTIFIX tabs feed with all the residues that are inside your septic tank, INCLUDING toilet paper, grease and oils, leaving your tank clean, thus reducing and even eliminating the need to have your septic tank pumped.

What are the benefits of using SEPTIFIX?

After you flush our tabs down your toilet, and they reach your septic tank, they:

✔️ reduce, then eliminate noxious odors (the smells) extremely fast - in just three to five days!

✔️ break down and eliminate all organic sludge from septic tanks, including natural oils, grease and organic hydrocarbons - which are the cause of clogs in your septic system.

✔️ prevent back-ups, and clogs, and all other associated problems in septic tank systems, including corrosion

✔️ reduce, even eliminate the need to have your septic tank pumped!

✔️ By using SEPTIFIX you will save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars each year

✔️ You'll have complete piece of mind because your septic system will run smoothly and you'll never again have to worry about possible problems!

How Is SEPTIFIX Better Than Other Septic Tank Treatments With Bacteria or Enzymes?

✔️ As far as we know, SEPTIFIX is the only oxygen releasing septic tank treatment available on the American market, allowing the live bacteria in our tablets to thrive for up to 90 days in your septic tank.

✔️ The Oxygen is released immediately - up to 10 liters of oxygen per tablet, and it reacts with any Hydrogen Sulfides (smells), eliminating all unwanted septic smells after just a few days.

✔️ SEPTIFIX's other ingredients will neutralize the pH of the waste water which, when combined with high oxygen concentrations, results in an ideal environment for our bacterial strains to thrive.

That's why Septifix' effect on your septic tank system is much longer and much faster than any other septic tank treatment on the market.

✔️ The technology used inside our SEPTIFIX tabs,  enables our tablets to imbed within the sludge layer and treat the entire volume of water from the bottom up soon after they have dissolved. And so, ALL your septic tank gets cleaned.

✔️ Because each of our tablets contain over 10 billion aerobic bacteria strains per gram (which is almost 3 times more than all our competitors), this ensures mass reduction in grease build up, sludge, clogs, harmful pathogens and offensive smells.

✔️ Our SEPTIFIX tablets reduces, and in most cases even ELIMINATES the need to pump your septic system, allowing you to save at least $300 every year!

Will SEPTIFIX really work for me?

We are confident that you’ll love how fast Septifix will eliminate odors and clean your septic tank.

Start using SEPTIFIX when you receive it at your home in a few days. All odors will be eliminated in 3-5 days after you flush the first tablet down your toilet. This is the first sign it’s working.

Next, you’ll see that you won't have to call the expensive pumpers anymore, plus you'll have piece of mind knowing that your septic tank will run smoothly and you'll have no backups or clogs in your system because the bacteria will eat all organic waste.

We have over 21,374 happy clients, and over 87% of them are repeat buyers,  and we are sure you'll join them!

What if SEPTIFIX doesn't work for me?

We’re very confident that you’ll love SEPTIFIX as over 87% of our clients return to our website to order more tablets.

However, if SEPTIFIX is less than satisfying for you, feel free to contact us directly to request a prompt refund of your purchase.

You are fully covered by our 100% satisfaction guarantee.

Buy Septic Tank here


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