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Mr Nice Guy Section A introduction

A 9 post...

Benefits of the book...
At the end of this treatise, you we be able to date and have sex with any girl of your choice.......

         Mr Nice Guy Introduction

written by Achievenine.....


Introduction of section A

  • Short Story of  Titus A..
  • Attitude Evaluation
  • Nice guys mistakes 
  • why nice guys lose out (attraction differs)

Introduction of section B

  • Short story of Titus B
  • Attitude Evaluation
  • Titus B attraction techniques

           Introduction of section A

At this junction, you must have asked yourself,  what is a Mr nice guy ??
incase you are still asking the question, don't worry, i got you covered....

  • A Mr nice guy is someone who disrespect himself in other to please a girl...
  • A Mr nice guy often ignores and forget he has something called ego and he needs to be respected from the other person but he often try hard and harder to impress a girl but at the end the girl fails to comply...
  • A Mr nice guy often lacks confidence on himself, he fails to speak up when he is not happy, he endures, waste his time and money and later get abandoned by the same girl...
  • A Mr nice guy often acts needy and creepy.
We men have all been a victim of a Mr nice guy... 
am not an exception.....
But my aim of writing this is to help my brothers out there who are still struggling with Mr nice guy scenario to know, that there approach of going after a girl is totally wrong and to teach them what i have learnt which i think might be useful..... 

who needs this book ??
        Remember when you met her that first day,.... Both of you were happy together but because you think you must have met the right one, then you decided to invest everything on her, you spend unnecessary amount of cash on her, because you love her (truly you love her no doubt), you waste your time and effort calling and texting her always.... But before the end of the month, she start acting weird, disrespecting and talking without manners and if you attempt to get your ego back at this junction, you  guys we end up splitting up.... either she calls you rude/commanding or claims she hate your attitude, And if you fails to get your ego back, you end up in her friends zone and won't have the chance to be her lover as you think from the first time, if you are such kind of person this book is for you.....

Benefits of the book.... 
At the end of this treatise, you we be able to date and have sex with any girl of your choice trust me. 
You don't necessary need to be tall and handsome nor be the next richest man on earth that don't lack money or any material items.

Ask yourself this question if you doubt me... 
why is it that, she left you who is such a nice guy and go after the bad boy, who you know has no future as compare to you ??
why is it that, girls don't like you or you hardly get laid, but getting laid is very easy for the bad boy you know ??

please don't get me wrong, you don't need to be a bad boy to get a girl or get laid but there are some traits the bad boys possess, which you can learn from this book and get laid like them... 

so stay tuned and learn from the master......

thanks for reading..... 

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